The Freeman City Council is currently in session on the first & third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM. The agenda for meetings is finalized & publicized on our website & on the front door of City Hall on the afternoon prior to the meeting.
Our local government works best when the community participates. A time for public input is included on each agenda. Please contact Mayor Walter or the City Finance Officer, in advance, to request to have a specific item placed on the agenda.
Those serving on the council represent the town's three wards. Elections for one member of each ward are held in alternating years. Councilors serve two-year terms.
Michael Walter
Mayor of the City of Freeman
Phone: 605.660.7120
Email: mdwalter@gwtc.net
Michael Walter took the oath of office & began his second consecutive term of service as mayor on May 3, 2022. Mayoral elections are held in even numbered years, with the mayor serving a two-year term. The mayor's role is a part-time position.
Clifford “Lonnie” Tjaden
Councilor Ward 1
Zoning Administrator
Phone: 605.661.4152
Email: ctjaden@hutchinsoncounty.org
Blaine Saarie
Councilor Ward 2 | Council President
Phone: 605.925.4901 or 605.925.4801
Email: blaine@saarieautobody.com
Elizabeth Waltner
Councilor Ward 3 | Council Vice Pres.
Phone: 605.933.1492
Email: emwaltner2@gmail.com